Friday, June 4, 2010

Web Side! (Y)

Hello. Here is an interesting website that can serve a lot like coming veterinarians.

This is a website I found a summer day "surfing" the Internet. The site is very interesting; we can find a variety of veterinary nature books, which can be downloaded easily with a few clicks. Some are in Spanish, but most of these books are in English, which is very good because it helps me have a better understanding of English terms related to veterinary medicine.

We can find different sections divided by either by area of research such as embryology, cardiology, laboratory animals, veterinary biochemistry, etc. And also by types of animals such as cattle, horses, pets, etc.. You can find many books of almost any nature veterinarian.

The site I use frequently as I used to some branches of the University and also to get an idea of the subjects I teach later and also because books are being added daily.

I recommend you take a look at the page; it can be very useful to study, even when they start to work.

A kiss.



  1. OE daniiiiiiiiiiii!!!

    its a very cool web site!! goes directly to my favorites =)
    i'll download some book of chemistry >_<


  2. very useful, I think that I will use this web in the future.

  3. wow! a lot of books..! i'll save the link.. maybe someday i will need it :o


    Hello. Here is an interesting website that can serve a lot like coming veterinarians.

    This is a website I found a summer day "surfing" the Internet. The site is very interesting; we can find a variety of veterinary nature books, which can be downloaded easily with a few clicks. Some are in Spanish, but most of these books are in English, which is very good because it helps me have a better understanding of English terms related to veterinary medicine.

    We can find different sections divided by either by area of research such as embryology, cardiology, laboratory animals, veterinary biochemistry, etc. And also by types of animals such as cattle, horses, pets, etc.. You can find many books of almost any nature veterinarian.

    The site I use frequently as I used to some branches of the University and also to get an idea of the subjects I teach later and also because books are being added daily.

    I recommend you take a look at the page; it can be very useful to study, even when they start to work.

    A kiss.


    Thanks I'll check it out. I like the English part!

  5. I will visit that page
    sound interesting

  6. Hi dani, I had no idea that a page like this existed!
    thank you very much, see you tomorrow!
