Sunday, June 13, 2010

My Favorite Subject!! *.*

Holiwi everyone!

This week I will talk about my favorite subject, which would be “Animal Diversity”, or Zoology! =D.

The subject deals specifically about the study of animals, from anatomy to psychology through all its aspects: development, reproduction, behavior, diseases, etc.. Currently we have not much depth to each phylum, but we have generally seen.

We have analyzed from the tiniest animal and simple to reptiles, for now, as we have seen a lot of stuff. Practical work is more interesting. Not only do we imagine certain parts of animals, but we can see and touch, to understand better the functioning of each of them.

Zoology is my favorite subject, but I must say that it is also one of the most difficult, by having a large amount of information we need to learn, which are closely interconnected.

It is the subject that is closest to the idea that one has towards Veterinary , but I know that I still have much to see.



  1. Danii.. is "jelouiwi" xD

    Zoology is great, almost never
    fall asleep in class :P
    but the best are the zoology labs (6)

  2. Hello Danii
    Your favorite subject is wonderful.
    Froma my point of view Zoology labs are quite fun than lectures.

    Thanks you to share that with us.

  3. Zoology is the best subject!
    it´s true.. is very difficult but very funny and is easy pay attention to the lecturers

  4. yes!! the best is zoology labs
    opening fishes, worms, shrimps:P
    jajjaa it's amazing

  5. Holiwi everyone!

    This week I will talk about my favorite subject, which would be “Animal Diversity”, or Zoology! =D.

    The subject deals specifically about the study of animals, from anatomy to psychology through all its aspects: development, reproduction, behavior, diseases, etc.. Currently we have not much depth to each phylum, but we have generally seen.

    We have analyzed from the tiniest animal and simple to reptiles, for now, as we have seen a lot of stuff. Practical work is more interesting. Not only do we imagine certain parts of animals, but we can see and touch, to understand better the functioning of each of them.

    Zoology is my favorite subject, but I must say that it is also one of the most difficult, by having a large amount of information we need to learn, which are closely interconnected.

    It is the subject that is closest to the idea that one has towards Veterinary , but I know that I still have much to see.


    you're right it sounds interesting but quite general for your career right?
